Book Review - Cults on Campus

This article is an electronic version of an article originally published in Cultic Studies Journal, 1991, Volume 8, Number 2, page 257. Please keep in mind that the pagination of this electronic reprint differs from that of the bound volume. This fact could affect how you enter bibliographic information in papers that you may write.

Book Review - Cults on Campus: Continuing Challenge

Edited by Marcia Rudin

An International Cult Education Program Book published by the American Family Foundation, 1991, 126 pages.

This book provides the reader with significant current information regarding the cult phenomenon particularly as it relates to cultic activities on college campuses. Edited by Marcia Rudin, it includes articles by cult experts such as Dr. Gregory S. Blimling, Dr. Michael D. Langone, William and Lorna Goldberg, and the Rev. Robert Watts Thornburg. Their interests, broad in scope, range from such topics as Policy and Legal Issues, and Training and Educating Students to Working with Cult-Affected Families.

Also timely is the focus of Jane R. Lindley's article, "Cult Recruitment of International Students on American Campuses." Lindley considers these students easy prey for cult recruiters and states that they should be made aware of available support resources as soon as they enroll at the university.

In addition, Rudin contributes a complete and current list of resources and publications, including "Resources on Cults, Psychological Manipulation, and Satanism and Occult Ritual Abuse."

Cults on Campus: Continuing Challenge is a valuable asset to anyone who is involved in higher education, particularly those who interact in the college community.

Doris Holloway Abels, Ed.D.

Providence, Rhode Island

Cultic Studies Journal Vol. 8 No. 2, 1991